How to Make Pour-Over Coffee

A secret coffee fan.
July 22, 2024

Pour-over is an alternative method of brewing coffee that involves using a dripper, which is sometimes referred to as a Hario V60. The latter names are used in honor of the most popular dripper manufacturer.

How to Make Pour-Over Coffee


Drippers are available in different shapes, sizes, and materials such as plastic, ceramic, or glass. Although making coffee in a pour-over is similar to making it in a Chemex, it results in a slightly different taste. This type of filter brewing method brings out floral and fruity aromas in the coffee.

You need

  1. Coffee (for best flavor, use bean coffee and grind the right amount just before brewing the coffee);
  2. Coffee grinder (it’s better to get a good handheld coffee grinder than a cheap electric one);
  3. Coffee dripper (the optimal size is 01 or 02);
  4. Paper filters (should be the size of a coffee dripper);
  5. Water (an important component of coffee, read how to choose water for coffee brewing);
  6. Scale (without a scale, it will be difficult for you to control the process);
  7. Timer (you can use the timer on your phone, but it is better if the timer is built into the scale);
  8. Kettle with a thin spout (it will simplify the Pour-Over brewing process a hundred times over).

Grind Size

For a pour-over coffee, it’s best to grind the beans to a medium consistency. This means the beans should be coarser than those for an espresso, but finer than those for a French press. However, it’s important to experiment with the grind size to find the perfect taste for you.

If you’re grinding coffee at home, it’s not recommended to use a cheap electric coffee grinder, especially one with a blade mechanism. Instead, a manual coffee grinder with ceramic burrs and the ability to adjust the grind size with a simple manual mechanism is the best option for home use. Popular brands, such as Hario, offer coffee grinders that are suitable for this purpose.

It’s also important to note that using different grind sizes for brewing one drink is not recommended, as it can result in unpredictable taste.

Coffee Dosage

Coffee Dosage


To brew one cup of coffee using a V60 dripper, it we recommend to use 15 grams (0.5 oz) of coffee for every 250 ml of water. Measuring the coffee by eye is not recommended, as even slight deviations in proportions can significantly affect the result. To ensure consistent results, it is best to weigh the coffee before each preparation using a scale with a 0.1 g increment, which is a standard feature on most beverage scales.

If you change the amount of coffee used, you will need to adjust the grind accordingly, as the brewing speed will also change. As a general rule, the more coffee you use, the coarser the grind should be. However, it is recommended to stick to the ratio of 15 grams (0.5 oz) of coffee to 250 ml of water for brewing one cup. This will help ensure that you achieve the best possible results.

Water Temperature

To make the perfect cup of coffee using the pour-over method, it’s important to use water that is at an optimal temperature of 92-95°C. To achieve this, you should bring the water to a boil and then let it cool for a minute. It’s recommended to use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water, and kettles with a thin spout often have a compartment that allows for convenient temperature measurement. When selecting a thermometer, it’s best to choose one that has a one-degree step between divisions. Alternatively, using a kettle with a built-in temperature sensor can also be a convenient solution.

Coffee Distribution

First, place a paper filter in the dripper and pour 200 ml of hot water (over 90 degrees) through it. Then, discard the water. This process helps to eliminate any paper taste and prepares the filter for the coffee.

Next, pour the ground coffee into the filter and gently tap the dripper to distribute the coffee evenly. You can also use a glass or wooden stick to help with this step.


Coffee Blooming

Blooming. Source:

During the coffee brewing process, the first stage is called blooming. This step is essential to enhance the taste of coffee and ensure a consistent extraction. To pour water, it is recommended to use a kettle with a thin spout, which is easier to control. Although there are other devices available, they are not as convenient.

For blooming, the water volume should be three times the coefficient relative to the weight of the coffee. For instance, if you use 15 grams (0.5 oz) of coffee, then you need to pour in 45 grams (1.6 oz) of water. Start the timer and wait for 30 seconds before pouring the remaining water.

Water Pouring

Water Pouring

Water pouring. Source:

After the coffee grounds have bloomed, pour water slowly and carefully in a circular motion, starting from the center of the coffee and moving towards the edges until the total water amount reaches 250 ml.

There are two main methods of pouring water: interval and one-time. The one-time method involves pouring all the water at once, while the interval method involves pouring the water in several portions. The interval method is better for intensifying extraction and getting more substances from the coffee.

Beverage Readiness

Pour-Over Coffee


The recommended brewing time for coffee ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 minutes. It is suggested to aim for 3 minutes. However, please note that when brewing decaf coffee, the brewing time can be increased to 4 minutes to get a richer taste.

After brewing, shake the drink in a coffee pot or a glass to aerate it.

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